I have done the 3rd Blind. It went up in about 10 mins. I am getting good at this now.At least all the bits were there this time.

I forgot to say yesterday .The company that I had words with earlier in the week. The goods arrived yesterday. So  it shows you have to be on the ball with some suppliers. On the other hand the  meter I ordered came with no problems and as advertised.. All I got to do now is fit it in the van. With my  recent experience with electrics in the van ,Not  a happy thought.

I sharpened all our scissors  and while I was doing it  the house was quiet, where was mave? Gardening in the rain. Whats she like.


I’ve been  trying to  fit my  meter but  it’s not  been successful so I must think again. The tap off point I chose wasnt any good. I will have to find another one later.

We have between the 3 of us eaten through a box of chocolates. Even if Louis has had the most. He is terrible. Other than tis its been a lazy day. we did take louis to  Victory park for a run. I have a painting to finish ,Its something I havent done a lot of  this year. I was saying I should get my brushes out again.