A few choice words today ***!!!!!””””.

At my hospital appointment today It was  a disaster . The Doctor said How are you  Ok. I see your on all the medication  that we can give you and that you are recommended  a physical exercise regimen, so just keep taking the pills.

Well I was stunned. Err ! what about my Stent I asked. He replied I don’t see that in your notes. What were you told on discharge.. I said i would be refered at a meeting for angioplasty to my  RA. I would be advised of the outcome. But I have heard nothing.

When did you last have chest pains?. I said about 10 minutes ago. How often ,, With any  exertion I said. I told him I can’t walk  more than 5 minutes I can’t  even walk round Tescos. After a few silences while he wrote notes he said He will  write and recommend I have the stent  done. He made another appointment for 6 weeks time.

When I got home I found the letter that says i should be considered. So I phoned the Doctor who did that report. His secretary said . It’s all very odd but there are no  notes in your file  stating  any results of the meeting. You were discussed at a meeting and the notes seem to have gone missing in the system. Nothing has come back from Margate.

When the Doctor  returns on Monday she will ask him whats going on. She will get back to me. I now have her direct Number. So I will be chasing  her for an answer.

You come home and begin  to wonder what it’s all about. Keep taking the pills is not an answer. I have a serious blockage in a coronary artery that needs UNBLOCKING . pills are not going to  do that. I need it  sorted and then maybe I can come off some of the pills. I despair.


Ive had time to think since the appointment this morning. I am at a loss , I am angry that at the angiogram they asked all the same questions and I gave them the same answers. I can’t believe that a decision was made in my absence and I was not notified of this decision. I can’t accept that it was decided that Pills and exercise were going to cure my  blocked artery. This is unacceptable. I cannot let it rest there. If it is so then I want to know on what grounds am I not elligable, what was the critera for that decision. Is that unreasonable.

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