Another  silly day.

I chased my  lost notes again. Where I was told they would write to  the last doctor. I said that’s pointless because he does not have my notes. You need to go  back to the one who  recommended  the stent. I was told leave it time for the notes to arrive back to  them  .

So I rang my own GP. He said He has a copy of my results and I am definitely getting a stent fitted, but has no date yet. I said but they have lost my notes. He said It’s simply a case of one dept not knowing what the other is doing. Not to worry it is in hand.

So that’s the state of play I have to  do the waiting game.


I have just had a bit of fun, I got a call from an Indian Girl From Lifestyle at Home. It was the best bit of sales pitch I’ve had. The skill in which she worked her way up to the final sales pitch was brilliant. She used her charms well. she said I didn’t sound my age , she bet I am a handsome fit man. If she had met me  earlier she would have married me herself. I kept on winding her up giving her silly answers. How was I feeling today . Am I on any medication, whats it for . Did I know the benefits of this one or that one. I could see it coming. She honed in on Pomegranite fruit. Did I know how good it was in concentrated form. 15 minutes she was on the phone.I was eating my breakfast so  each time I had a mouth full and couldn’t answer she panicked and thought I had cut her off. The final pitch was have you got a pen . Take down my number and my  registration  number,  and the address of the company. She slipped in  that  she doesn’t take direct debit mandates and as I am a pensioner I can have it for half price today  at £16 as a one-off payment Which card will you use just give me the number on the front and it will be delivered direct to your door she said.

At this point I  stopped her I said But I don’t want it.  Off she went again how I needed this for my health and how I will thank her . I said I hate to waste anymore of your time but I am hanging up now. Click I put the phone down. Less than 30 seconds the phone went, I couldn’t believe it. She was back on the phone again. But mavis said sorry  you have a wrong number. At one point she said I must keep myself fit because If I died tomorrow how would my wife carry on. I said Oh well she will go out and get herself a toyboy about 18 years old. She said doesn’t she love you then. I said yes but if I am dead she can get herself  a toyboy and carry on with my money. Now anyone else wouldn’t ask that  and surely they would see I was taking the piss.I am thinking as I write this she is now promising to marry the next sucker on the phone.

Anyway it brightened my day. Its as close to an Indian  Bride as will get.

maves blog



Todays Puzzle