Its Chemo day. How I feel for mavis. facing another bout of poison. my thoughts are ,if it gives us another wonderful year it will be worth it. Stay strong my love. XX

The weather is wet wet wet cold and miserable. Typical bank Holiday. We were Booked in for  a rally at hamble but  that’s out now due to chemo and me having to drive that far.

But my puffer  seemed to work this morning. I think one puff is not enough. I did 2  and waited 10 mins before I took louis out. I got back  within a few yards before i was in trouble again. So it is helping. next ive got to drop my hearing aid in for repair as its broken again. So now  I wont hear mavis shouting at me or louis demands to go walkies. Silver lining in every cloud they say. we are off to the hospital in 15 mins and wont be back till late afternoon.


We are back home. The chemo went well. No re action like last time. they were ready and gave drugs to minimise it before they started. Only trouble is they  spent ages and 2 nurses to find a vein. So before next session  she must have a pict line fitted. Thats  to be done on 29th ready for next one.. She looks well. A bit tired but  so far OK. Its pouring down so the journey home wasnt to great. But she isn’t sick , lets keep fingers crossed.


I got my letter  today  so I have it in writing that I will get the op. at Ashford. But no date has been  decided. So it’s a step forward.

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