It’s a bit milder today. louis walk was a struggle today. My cardiac Nurse phoned me to  check  my BP ready for my  appointment on Thursday. She is still concerned over my  low pulse rate. And the fact that my spray doesn’t  always help plus the crushing spasms . only  a few more days and it should get sorted.

I had one of those emails today  saying my bank account had been suspended and I need to phone a number. Oh Yer Spam so Deleted..

Next we get a phone call. its bank security. please call . Your account is suspended due to  suspicious activity.. We hung up. Then we thought maybe it’s because of yesterday. Yesterday my son asked me to order some  foreign money delivered here to save him queuing at the weekend. But after 6 attempts I gave up it kept coming back with red boxes this is wrong that’s wrong  this does not recognise your number. So I said sorry  but  it’s not working.

It turned out that my bank picked this up. So we phoned them and asked why they had suspended my account. After loads of questions it was because a large amount was asked for  to an account that I had not used before. It was yesterdays. So in one way  they are on the ball in chasing it. but if they were the ones blocking it yesterday a bit of a pain.

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