I have loaded all the  dogs blankets and toys into the car ready for louis first ride. Its got his water bowl and his balls.

Ive also customised it with  the McMillan and the Mesothelioma UK stickers in the window. When I walked louis out last night as I passed it I could see a red light flashing, I quickly came back and pulled out the manual Ah! it’s a security light so its ok.

Mavis has had another  on-line interview. Just incase you missed it in her blog :- http://www.asbestos.com/blog/2011/10/05/mavis-nye-survivor-insight-series/will take you to it. Now that she has got all her start dates for treatment now. She is a lot  happier. The glint is back in her eyes so I know she is ready for  what ever  they throw at her.

She said she is a bit concerned about going to  some rallies  coming up. I said don’t worry. If you are not up to it ,You wont go. Because I wont take you. Sorry  if you have made promises to attend, but your  well-being comes first. It’s no good going camping  if its cold and wet and you are on Chemo. She isn’t happy at that. But she never knows when to quit. I know that’s a good thing but there are limits especially when her health is at risk. ” After all isn’t that what she pays me for ? ”

Well we took louis out in the new car. Not sure if he is impressed or not? We went to our usual place at Tankerton but it was so windy it was cut short. Normally we have a job tp  park as its full of visitors but  not today its nearly empty.

Where to now I asked ,well we could walk round to Tescos she said. Sod that  we will drive to The main Tescos. Well if YOU really want to drive for practice we could go to Lidls. Blimey I said that’s  a 30 mile round trip. Thats a lot of practice. But we went anyway. I only want a couple of bits she said  ,FATAL! another £40 odd quid on top of a big shop at Tescos yesterday. On the way back she said how are you getting on with the car do you like it. Yer its OK I said. Oh! only OK she said. No its Nice its comfortable. I will get used to it. It’s just not as nippy as our other car.  But Yer its Fine. Do you Like it she asked. Yes I like it. Good then that’s your Christmas present from me to you. Oh yes then the petrol is my Christmas present to you. We both had a laugh.

I have spent  a bit of time updating and amending  my web site . https://sites.google.com/site/mesowarrior2/home It needed some tidying up and some new links.