For the past 16 years we have had a miserable internet speed. WE have at times suffered  over a week with no signal. At others  it would disappear at  8 am and return at 5pm We have made numerous complaints had umpteen engineers visits and at best  the fastest we ever get is 1.7mbps  Today from 6 ish this morning we had almost no signal at best  0.02kb which is  worthless. At lunch time  I phoned  support and asked . Have you cut me off  ready for my transfer to super fast  installation tomorrow. No  we have not . Do you have a problem. Err! yes I have no signal I said. But  he was very helpful he said he would investigate it and get back to me.  Much to my surprise  about 20 mins later it was back on and he phoned me back to check. He asked me to check  its speed. Wow! it was 2.4mbps I said I dont know what you did but  I have never  had it that fast in 16 years. If I did  then I would not have ordered super fast. We had a few jokes and he said tomorrow it will be so fast that my programs will probably load up before I even turn it on.  Later we got a call from the engineer he was due  between 8 and 1pm. But now it will be after lunch  but he will phone before to let me know  when. Not very good but whats one more day in 16 years???????????