Hello Friends.

I have been putting up the blinds today.  The first one I unpacked ,Oh ! No.  It looks like this one had been re sealed. Why didnt mavis see that when she picked it yesterday. It had sellotape over one end. So when I tipped the contents out,that was the problem, it had no instructions and no  fixings, Just the blind. Aint it always the way. You buy something  get it home and find bits missing.  I would like to meet the prat that decided to re pack  only half the contents and then has the audacity to put it back on the shelf  for  the full price. So  I opened the 2nd one  to see if it was complete. Luckily it was. So without  much adoo. It went up quite quickly.

I then took a look at the third one. Now! That has also been resealed. It does appear to be complete. So I will find out later. Right now Louis wants a walk and we need some more potatoes. So off we go to take louis for his walk. And you’ve guessed it,  another trip to  B and Q  to change  a blind. Basicly they don’t care they just change it. I recon  as I re packed mine so it  looked like it was when I bought it,they will simply put it back on the shelf, So some other  poor sod will  pick it up and round we go again.  So now we are back . I have put up  2 of the 3 new blinds. The 3rd is only  a small one for the Den so it wont take long. Unless when its opened its got bits missing.

I ordered on-line a small volt meter because I wanted a more accurate reading than the one in the van. It came this morning but it doesn’t have a back. Its meant to fit into a cutout. Well I don’t want to start cutting holes in the van so I’ve  trawled the net  but can’t find  a box small enough. So I’ve spent an hour or so making one.. Its amazing whats laying  the shed just waiting to be converted into  something useful. It’s all done now just waiting for the glue to dry. Then the fun starts fitting it in the van.

But first  things first  Blind No. 3 to fit.