Mavis said to me this morning as I was working on the computer. What are you doing. The tone of voice was  hurry up  its time to take louis out. Ok so I closed  down. Where are we going I asked  .Ill tell you  in a minute as we closed the door. Normally we have a walk round the beach which is 2 1/2 miles. Or we have a short  walk which is about half that. But today  we went on a mega walk  half of it was a steep climb  I recon it was about  3  1/2 miles. She kept asking how are ? I am ok I said. I am PM. Whats PM she said  its Post mattress . Thats a in joke because she just bought this new mattress memory thing. The first night  she said good  isn’t it do you like it. Err! yep ok. You dont sound convincing do you.. But after a couple of nights on it my back is actually  feeling better. Hence my PM  joke. See I told you  it was good didn’t I.

I have tidied up  my website . getting old links out. changing bits but it’s not  finished yet. We were going away  this weekend but decided  not to at the last min. Seeing as its been wet,I am glad. I’ve just had an odd call on the phone. It said its BT calling .you have a voice mail message. Press one to hear it, I thought it was my son who is on holiday. So pressed 1. Thankyou for your order. then it  hung up. Now as I havent ordered anything  that worried me. BT customer service had me shifting from  contact to contact  only to end up saying  they don’t open on Sundays. fat lot of use that was seeing as they were open enough to  send me a non existing message from a non available number. So now I have to wait and see what have I ordered.