Louis was booked to have a shampoo and clip  between 2 and 3pm today.But  the phone went at 9 am  we are in the car park ready for louis. So after a mad dash to get dressed I rushed him  down to the mobile saloon van. He wasnt having any. He dug his heels in and pulled backwards barking. But the lady was so good to him .She picked him up carried him  into the van. 45 mins later the van door opened and out jumped this dog. It wasnt my louis. My louis went in with a full head of hair all fluffy and bushy tailed. What jumped out was this short haired jack Russel. It looked 10 years younger. SO SMART AND DAPPER. I am not sure if he was pleased or not. But  although he is a pain in the but. I missed him and couldn’t wait to get him back indoors again. Pets who`d have em!

We decided to take a journey today of an unusual nature. Where shall we go today. MMM! How about Australia. We went to Spain yesterday. So I set the co ordinates in and whosh we were at street level in  australia. Its amazing where to can go if you want and it don’t cost a penny in air fares or diesel. All courtesy of Google.

Well after  lots of phone calls and chasing. Mavis has got an appointment  tomorrow. You have to be on the ball. Its so easy to sit back and think its all going through when it is not. It was to be Maidstone now its Dartford. After the  cock-up was sorted they pulled out all the stops for her. I am sure they don’t realise the pain they cause. Mave was almost in tears here today waiting on call backs from 2 different hospitals it’s so stressful.   But as long as she is in I dont mind.

We may even use it as an excuse to go to Bluewater shopping centre. We havent been there for years, maybe my tears will flow tomorrow when I have to get my wallet out  in the centre.