I  used my new camera yesterday for some hd video. But I  found that it stalled. After surfing  net for advice. It seems i am using a SD card which has served me well in my other cameras. But this new one requires an SDHC card  to get good results in video. It’s a bit like wine when you read  all the blurb the adverts say you need,at some silly prices. But the experienced photographers recommend cards without bias. Which doesn’t mean the biggest and fastest and expensive cards out there. So I have chosen a relatively modest  8g sdhc which I am assured is more than adequate for my needs.

We went to Herne Bay  this morning to meet  our friends for lunch. But First  we popped into the station to  get our tickets for the high speed train on Saturday.  £53 .20. I said sorry I wanted 2 tickets. Yes thats right  £53.20 . I wanted  a return. Yes. she said you asked for 2 day returns to St Pancras on the high-speed train.  Yes but only  £53 quid. How come when I went  a few weeks ago it cost me £110.00 She said Saturday is Cheapday. Wow  I thought it was a bargain.

Then it was off to Herne bay. But  mavis wanted a diversion  to  the  Garage on the corner.  We walked over the road and into  the sales area. I lost sight of mavis for a moment. I scanned the rows of  motors. But couldn’t see what we were looking for.  I looked up and mavis was looking at me  beaming from ear to ear. This is  it she said.  pointing to  a motor beside her. i said  that’s not what we were looking for. i know but i like this one. So i  popped into the office. Can I have the keys for  it. So we sat in it .got a feel for it. It was in excellent condition and only  under 13k on the clock taxed motd serviced and 12 months warranty. But the boss was out  so we left.

WE walked around Herne bay  then went into  Wetherspoons to find our friends. I got a call  and it said be with you in  2 mins. We had a smashing day. We ended up  taking them to Reculver Towers. When  we came back we said our  byes. Then we set off for home. Mave said shall we go back to the garage to see if the boss is back.

As we walked in he came to greet us. hello he said sorry I was out when you came earlier. Would you like to take it for a run. I said would you take us  for a run I aam knackered. He said Oh hello Mr knackered I am  Roy. Anyway  he was a smashing  bloke. No pressure  or sales patter. He took us round the town and out on the main road. Telling us all about the car. and cracking jokes in between.

When we returned, he said is that your car? do you want a  price PX. Yes please. Within 5 mins he had been all over mine with his clip board and back in the office I found I had given him a deposit and agreed to sort my insurance and was happy to pick it up on Wednesday that gives them time to service it and mot it  and tax it for me. It’s a Daihatsu Siron  .

So its been an exciting  day. taken a few more pictures again.. Some good some  not so good. Its been so hot today.

Thats it for today.