It took nearly 30 hours to upload my small video. The upload speed was down to 0.01Mb.

It’s so slow I could have sent it in a 2nd class letter post.  Thats BT for you.  But its up and running now .  The link is:-

I hope you enjoy it as much as we have. I know Linda didn’t want  me to put it on youtube.  But its so  lovely  I simply could NOT put this on could I.  I think Linda did an excellent job of first getting her to go in it.  Also of looking after her and encouraging her all the way. Thank you Linda I will treasure this one.

Some sad news today. I could hear Mavis talking on Skype about 5 am. But when I got up later she told me our friend  Jules in Australia had passed away with the dreaded Meothelioma. She has put up a brave fight to the end.  I am so saddened. The walk that Rod has walked this past few months was a painfull walk. We must all walk this path one day. But a natural  passing is inevitable.  But this is an unnatural path.  I  dread this walk.  I live it  now every day.  I hope my footsteps are slow.  How I will cope when I have to walk those final steps I do not know.

Goodnight Jules and peace to you my friend  Rod. XXX.