Well it’s a bright morning,if not a bit windy. Mavis has gone to sleep on the chair. She hasn’t had a good night and complained of a lot of
Pain last night. She doesn’t usually sleep this early it’s only 0940.this worries me. It’s only a day more before appointment on Monday. I don’t know the results will be surprising. It’s now a case of when rather than what oops the wind just got higher. She opened her eyes this is going to be some storm and then dropped off again. Louis is bored.
It’s. Now 1.30 we been for a walk. I am happy to say that mave is looking a lot better. She will over do it. I even went scrumping in the orchard for apples. I haven’t done that for years. Scrumping! What a nice word for stealing.
It’s really. Warm now. Mavis is talking of walking to the village later.
After a nice walk we came back and had a snooze.woken up by the ice-cream van.mmmmm!
It’s raining now so I can’t see much happening now.
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