It was a wet start to the day. Mavis stayed on her computer untill lunch time. I said Shall we go to homebase and get your Birthday Buddha. Yes Ok. So we first took louis for his run,then on to the shops. We found the buddha we looked at a few weeks ago. Ah! there it is I said. Oh My God Mavis said We can’t get that. It’s too big. I had to agree. Sitting down it’s about as big as me. Not that that’s difficult. But I insisted that it will look great on the new patio. After struggling to get it in the car ,we finally got home. Now that it’s in place she loves it. But Louis is not o keen on it. He makes a wide circle.
While having dinner I was watching come dine with me. One of the questions asked was. Who would you like to be . I remember years ago I always wanted to be like Stewart Granger. Tall Handsome Suave Debonair with Distinguished Grey Sideburns. Now I got the grey sideburns and I am still working on the rest, but I think it’s never going to happen now. If you could be someone else Who would you be? I wonder.
My new wireless keyboard and mouse came today. I can’t believe the difference its made. I’ve had a few keyboards over the years but usually cheapo`s but this one is smoother and more positive. I spent more time correcting the double spaces and sorting capitals on the old one it took twice as long to get anything done.
At least we have not gone on lost causes again today not like yesterdays saga. A little more leisurely.
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