Well today we are off on another round of Hospital visits. Mavis has been  put forward as a candidate for another trial. With the last one in London I was concerned that  the trial contained what they call a randomized trial. That means that a percentage of candidates  will get treatment and some will  not. But  you don’t know if you are getting the treatment or not  .As you might be unlucky enough to get a placebo. Or a pretend drug. My thoughts were that if you got the placebo your  condition was continuing without treatment and as such the cancer  is progressing un checked.  .To my mind that was not only  dangerous but from a patient  view ,useless. At least  this new one  is  continued with  chemo so it’s a belt and braces job. That to me is much safer. At least she will be benefit from chemo plus  the trial drug. So  one is not   digressing. But we will know more  when we return.

Well home at last .Another long day. But  who popped into see us. Our lovely friend Sonja. She thought  we might need a bit of cheering up. Thanks Sonja. We were well received and now Mavis is accepted in this trial. So it’s all systems go  again. Afterwards  the 3 of us got back to  Bluewater for a Coffee. With a bit of shopping. When we said our goodbyes and headed home. We were met with black clouds ERRGGG!

But we called in the Savacentre  mave wanted a new suit  for next week.  We also had a late lunch.

So  once again we are in the lap of the gods. Only this trial requires  a hospital visit  one a week for as long as it takes. The bonus is it’s not  at  St Bart’s in London. The journey  can be done in the car. We are both  tired now. Louis has had a wee. I am going to drink this decent cup of tea and maybe shut my eyes for  10 mins XXXXX