Having  slept on yesterdays  results. We both feel a lot better now.We both had a real down feeling when we arrived at hospital. But  hey its not  all Bad news after all. Its just another extended link in our lives. And every extension is worth more than  its weight in gold. As mave says its upward and onward.

I had to  get a bit  heavy with a  company today. Mave ordered some stuff on line . Good ole mave she has tried to get an answer for a couple of weeks now. But  gets fobbed off. So today I poked my nose in. Itold them. “ No more messing about. I wont an answer within 24 hrs or I will raise a complaint with PayPal for a  refund of my money.”

Also that with approx 1000 viewers a month on our site I am hardly going to recommend your company, or worse, am I?. I  want a proper response from you and not an automated rubbish email .

This seemed to do the trick. Less than 15 mins later. We got a full non automated  reply. Apologising and an explanation of why we have not received the order. The resolution is not  closed yet. But it shows what you can do when you get wound up enough. But  whether we  resolve it or not  I will not be using them again will I.

No one S***s on my mave and gets away scot-free. If you try, you unleash 5.6in of fire and fury to  deal with.

I might make my apple crumble this afternoon.

Its now 4.30 pm I have made 2 apple crumbles. All baked and ready to eat.  Other than this we have both just pottered. I think mave has been researching again. When we took louis for his walk the weather was a little windy but warm.I forgot to mention earlier. At  10 past 4 this morning I could hear Louis whining in the passage. He wanted out. I looked across ,Mavis was snoring so no chance she was going to let him out. So nothing else for it Up I get to let him have a pee. Fortunately  it was still dark  so  no one can see this old guy  in his dressing gown padding  down the garden after a mad dog. The things we do for our babes.