A day in London at  Mesothelioma Action Day. Good to see old faces again and I met  some new ones. Today was one of the better  conferences. I didnt nod off once. The journey up on the High Speed Train was ok. But  it deteriated as soon as we hit the Tube. We  went down the wrong escalator. Then when we found the right one the train was packed. It was like those news films of Japanese Trains when  they push you all  in. It was not pleasant.

When we got off we thought it was just a few mins walk to the venue we tried to follow my walking App but  yuk not good. We were going the wrong way we were lost. We were  now running late and were desperate to haila taxi. We did get one to stop. But  he went all round the houses at it took ages. We  arrived at the venue and was meton the steps just in time to  release the Doves. But  we did learn one new thing we used our contact less bank card  to  get on the underground. It worked.

The day followed the usual  format  which included mavis giving a speech. At the end of the day a few of us made a short walk to a local   eating place. I chose Chicken Tika . But wow  was it hot. my nose refused to stop running. I was unable to  do more than eat  the top layer,Then I had to admit defeat and leave a full plate. But  soon it was a taxi back to  St pancras High Speed. Home just afet 8 pm to a happy  wagging dog. Bless him.