Good morning. Its 5.15 am. I can’t sleep.After a cup of tea I might feel like half human. Glug glug glug slurp slurp. Ha!! Thats better.

We didnt get home till late last night after the meeting. I didn’t know quite what to expect as we walked in. We were the first  to arrive. Please come in and take a seat. So we sat in the front row all on our own.. Gradually the room filled up over the next half hour.

Mavis knew some of them already and was chatting. It was funny i was standing back when I heard  a woman say to her friend. That mavis is supposed to be coming I wonder if she is here. I tapped her arm and pointed to Mavis  , deep in conversation I said that’s mavis . so over she went  lots of hugs and so pleased to meet you at last. The man from radio Kent came over  can I speak to you after the evening is over  he asked. So many people wanted to talk to her.

I sometimes feel she is held as some kind of trophy. All very nice for her recognition but  for her the price is mesothelioma. What a price to pay. I just look on wishing  wishing for the old days before  all this started, knowing that I had her for a lot longer, instead counting each morning with my blessings that she is still with me each new day. If those people last night knew the pain this Asbestos caused  i am sure they would put safety before profit.


Only one more day before les Miserables Show. I’ve made a start on my Dan Brown. It is a bit slow starting  Up to chapter 9 and the pace is getting quicker. A lot of waffle so far and little substance. Not like his other books that grip  you from page one where you cant wait to turn the page. I hope it  gets better.


latest in the Lost Notes Saga.

I chased them again yesterday and was told they still hadn’t turned up  That I was to call again next week. I explained politely that it’s not good enough.

This morning  They called me back and it seems the notes are up for typing and should  arrive early next week I will get a call when they do.

Later this morning  My cardiology nurse phoned. How am I doing. I told her about my notes.  She was not best pleased. She will chase them up  Now. she agreed it’s not good enough. She asked am I taking the spray medication. I said No. Why not she asked. I wasnt given any. She said her notes said I was given it on discharge. I said I don’t know what notes you have , but I was not given spray. Only in the ambulance. Right  she said I will  come and see you and bring  it with me. . Are you still getting chest pains how regular and what do I do about it. I said yes. After any exertion and I sit down for 10 mins. Not good enough she said. If you have chest pains that take 10 minutes to  go  then  Phone 999 at once and get yourself back in hospital.

So  now I have  the Doctors secretary  in  Margate chasing my notes. The Doctor  at Hernebay chasing my notes. The cardiology Nurse at  Whitstable chasing my notes. Sooner or later  someone is going to  have my notes. Apart from  having another heart attack and ending up in A E not more I can do. Watch this space.

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