Home again.I must admit Mave had me worried at the beginning of the weekend.  But she has rested and  today is back to her old self. Its been a good chill out weekend. Good company with Sonja and Kevin. The weather was a lot better than predicted. It wasnt that far up the road to travel this time which  makes for a good ride.

We were only a small gathering but  it was a nice bunch. As we were packing down to  leave Kevin walked up to me  and held out his upturned hand. I thought he was saying good-bye. But  as I put my hand out he said here is a present for you. He gave me a small harmonica. Gosh what a lovely thing to do. This was because a few weeks back we were talking  about  mouth organs and I said  that in my  teenage years I always had one and a group of us used to get together.  But nowadays . I dont have the wind for long sessions and because when mavis isnt around I get mine out and have a play and I have taught Louis to sing along. Well he howls really. mavis goes bananas. Shut that noise up  look what you’re doing to louis she says. I say he is singing ,but she doesn’t agree. So sadly it goes back in the drawer.

Well we are back home now we sat outside  drinking tea yes honest it was tea and finishing up the cakes and bread pud.

Tomorrow draws closer by the hour before we see the oncologist. So this time tomorrow we will know  in which direction  our next step will take.

So untill  tomorrow XXX