Not a very nice day out there today. I woke up this morning  about 4 am. I was dreaming. I remember I was instantly wide awake. Thats most unusual for me. When I  wake up  it’s a slow process, very slowly laying there gathering my senses . Eventually dragging myself  out.  But  not today. I was having an argument with Ian.  He was one of the Directors I worked under, We used to have disagreements from time to time.  But  also in the argument was an old friend,who oddly enough did not work with me and Ian.  How odd your brain works. Bearing in mind its around 20 years ago since I worked with Ian.

I can’t remember now what the argument was about. I looked at Mavis who was fast asleep, it’s usually her that’s up  that early, the dog was on his back legs up in the air.

Shame it wasnt mavis Ha Ha Ha! .Perhaps in another dream. ,I recon a slap coming my way when she reads this.  But I did manage to drop off again. I was later still up  much earlier than normal. I checked my PC and had breakfast. While mavis was on her PC. I did the washing up dried it put it all away washed down all the work tops. Went  in to make the bed. Mavis did help there. Then I  hoovered all through. While Mavis had her shower. I wanted to go to Sturry to the stationers , I wanted a small ring binder. I keep loosing my sign in and p/w .I have so many in  old note books. I decided if I did a loose leave one I could easily manage them. I was gob smacked when I saw the prices. £53  £63 and upwards.  Just for what they called a Journal / Filofax. I used to have one of these when I was at work but have mislaid it since my retirement. So I said to Mave, I am not paying that, it’s a rip off. But behold, I found something  I could use for £1.99  and I got  a notebook all for under £3 ,more like it.

Then we went to Morrison’s Mave likes it in there. It was still blowing hard when we walked louis all round the industrial estate at Wincheap. We were both glad to get back in the car.

Its touch and go at the moment if we go to the weekend rally or not yet. Wait and see.

I hope you  enjoyed the Up the Amazon clip yesterday. Watch this space I am sure it wont be the last.