I  was a bit worried yesterday. I mentioned that I had doubled the charge power on Mavis  lemon tree. The problem was the lights didn’t last long. I don’t think their charger was man enough. I did put bigger batteries in but  it didn’t last. So I canabalised one of  the other lights. By joining 2 solar panel in parallel. it seems to have worked but I really need a couple of days good  sun to make sure. I checked them at 10.30 pm last night and they were still  full on.

later today  I think it’s still on for jessops. I keep trying  my camera. But it will not focus. and its making  nasty noises when I  zoom.

I can’t  set the atomic clock on my weather station. I only put a new battery in it. All this technology drives me mad. Ive spent ages searching for a new camera,one that takes the same batteries that my other one does. I have spares. I don’t want to  go back to rechargeable AA. It seems with each new model  they invent new batteries that  you have to buy because yours are slightly  smaller or bigger or something.. Mavis is searching the net for new cars. A couple of months ago  I sourced a Fiat Doblo, But  she wasnt interested. So what is she looking at now Yep you guessed it. But she also likes the hyundi. So watch this space.


back home again. We had a round the coast ride.I went to Margate  to buy  a camera. I phoned up before I went to check  stock. Usual  things ,When I  arrived I said good morning. I spoke to  a gentleman earlier  regarding  Fuji stock.  Ok What were you looking for. Hmm! they looked on the shelves they looked unde the counter they looked outside in the window. What  was that number again sir.  They  looked on the shelves they checked under the counter they looked outside in the window again. Are you sure who ever you spoke to  said we have it. Just then the manager walked past. I  jokingly said Its your fault  they are blaming you. I didn’t know he was the manager. They are. They can’t find the camera I  wont.  Give me the number . Ok  we dont recognise that just tell me what it is you are looking for. Ah!  he said we have it but its a different stock code. So he whips this one on the counter. Sure enough it did have what i was looking for. he let me take it outside to  take some pictures which looked ok. As it happened it is similar controls tp my  big one. Ok I’ll take it.  So we took  some pictures of the kite  flying on the beach. Then off  round the coast to  Cliftonville and onto Joss bay more pictures, After an ice cream we found a farm shop picked up some fresh stuff and slowly headed home again . lovely weather,nice ride.

I put the pictures on computer, They are definitely  much better than my other compact it replaces. So not disappointed.Me and my new Toy