vanBeen a bit busier today. Been shopping ,walking louis ,all the usual things. But   Ive got to sort  some of my published books after  several years since publication I  am now told that  the publishers have changed the rules. I have to modify the  front cover images because they no longer are acceptable. ie cover image needs modifying to small. So after  loads of attempts to comply by resising to the required  new size. I am  constantly getting a reject  notice. Ive given up and contacted support team. My question is why  have you rejected my  attempts to modify  today you agree that my new size is adequate and have printed  the new size but still you reject it. Tell me what you want or I will use an alternative publisher. Pain in the arse.

Ive been trying out my new printer. results not bad on photos. Ive had a job to do in the van the tap was loose  and to fix it meant  removing the sink and pipework but then found the  lift up draining  board  clashed  so after  some modifying it all seems to be sorted now.