A trip to Hospital again for mavis checkup. Then we called in Morrison’s for  a few bits. We decided to get something to eat . We both chose sausage and mash. Mine was rubbish, I couldn’t eat the mash . I think it was tinned smash  or something. The sausages were spicy but  had no taste? I left 3/4 or more of mine. Mavis didn’t eat all hers either. When we got outside I said that  food was s..t. She was more polite  it was awful she said.

Then because she said last night we should get a new settee she said we can look in the furniture shops. So  where did she choose to look only Nasons. The most expensive shop in Canterbury. I know what I want she said. I want a Bed settee so we can put  terry up  when I get to  ill to travel to see him. I said But Nasons??? Yes I don’t want rubbish. Ok! we walked in. Good morning can I help we were asked. Yes bed settee`s . Yes madam  as he pointed over there. We walked over he hovered behind us. We sat on a few when he joined us. Anything particular. Yes 3 seater and not leather. We or rather mavis spotted one she likes. This one she said. what do you think. Yep ok. What about the colour . Yep Ok. I asked to see it  opened out so he showed us one on display. he eagerly demonstrated it open and shut. He explained all about it how it was made etc etc.. What about deliver 4 weeks or shorter he said. How much? This one is £1400.00 . A sharp intake of breath from me. I looked at mavis, she was smiling. Thats ok isnt it  she asked. If that’s what you want I said. She said to the man OK well take it. Thank you  follow me to my desk. We would require a 70% deposit. No  we will pay all of it now no mucking around.

Next she said I was thinking of replacing my kitchen table and chairs. Ok luv but not today , so I ushered her to the door before it cost me another load of dosh. So in less than 15 mins Thats the quickest way to spend your bucks. In see ,buy and out all done.

Another early day tomorrow its an 8.30 appointment for Kidney function tests that’s about  a 4 hour  test. So louis will be walked about 7 am.

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