We are gearing ourselves up for tomorrow when we attend Maidstone Hospital for our next round of treatment. I think it will be another long day of leaving poor ole Louis. We are  booked in at 12 noon so we need to leave here around 11 am. I thin k the last  appointment is booked for after 3 pm so I dont anticipate getting  home much before 6 pm.

Dont you just love those little things that creep in to annoy. Like putting  a full cup of tea on the desk and 5 mins later when you try to lift it,you find its stuck fast like super glue. You  gently  try to turn it,lift it,move it but its stuck fast. At this point I want to kick it. You just know that you are going to spill it when it suddenly moves don’t you. Today I am going to wash the car because i cant do it  tomorrow because of hospital. I don’t want to do it on Wednesday when it goes to the dealers. Anyway mave said it will be raining.

Although the conference on saturday was well  done. It set me thinking. Almost if not more than half  of the people were women, who had lost their partners to meso and half of those left had meso and the balance were like me, carers with some of them sons or daughters of lost  parents to this insidious disease. But  with all this sadness and pain,what a wonderful group of people they all are. Mavis tells me that Canada has stopped producing asbestos. The excuse is its for maintenance closed indefinitely. But who cares just as long as its closed. Well done to ALL the people who have campaigned. Mavis`s email to  the prime minister calling him a murderer may have helped a little bit.


Right Ive washed and polished the car brushed and cleared out all the rubbish. I find most of it  was dogs blankets and toys  and umpteen balls under seats. Ive filled 2 and a half carrier bags with   tins of spray and smellys dusters scrapers  2 tins of de icer . (might need that next week ) where does it all come from.

Talking  about insurance. Ive  just had a letter  offering me home insurance  . But the letter  said you COULD be paying … And on your first year we will give you £20 off. So I phoned them up and said your letter says I could be paying. So  tell me what I will ACTUALLY be paying. After  loads of questions and listening to music. he came back and said of course your policy will include  bla bla bla bla. yes so does my current one I said.  I have spoken to my boss and because we sent the letter we will honour that  quote but  todays price is higher than the quote ( which was sent last week ).  I said less the £20  off. Oh no he said if we allowed the discount we would have to  offer you  the current quote which is dearer than my current  insurers. So  I declined ,if his price is dearer  this year than my  current that means that next year it will be dearer than I would be paying. So I will stick where I am. It shows that not all the deals you  are offered are really good deals.

Well  tomorrow is nearly here . All set for the hospital.

I`ll keep you posted tomorrow.
