It’s a bit late ie 10 pm. We have been in london all day. Went to  see Les Miserables the show.

My son  met us at the station and drove us to the show. A bit of a pallaver because he arrived early  to wait for our train. When we  tried to leave  the police had closed the road  for demonstrators marching. We arrived at 1 pm in plenty of time for a 2.30  start. but because we were trapped inside the cordon  we had to sit and wait  while loads of groups marched past.  They opened the cordon at 2.15 so we had to race across london traffic to  just get there before curtain up. In my state rushing is not  on order.

But the show was great still cried my way through it. No one noticed me because  of all the people round us all sobbing sniffing and blowing of noses. Not a dry eye in the place. But to be honest I still prefer the film. But Hey what they produced on that small stage was amazing. Glad we went.

after the show we found a french restaurant. I was not keen on french food and looking at the menu I thought ugh! not for me. But I  found steak and roast veg. It was excellent  washed down with a bowl of tea strange.

poor ole louis has been on his own for 12 hours, was he happy to see us, you bet he was.

That is about it for me for today.

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