Wet and windy outside. But  for me the start of a new chapter in my life. I’ve been given another chance at it. I’ve had my op. I am up  early and I don’t feel to bad. A little unsteady but  no pains I hope they are passed now. Just a couple of slow days and slowly back into it all. I have yet more pills to add to my list .Today My BP  is reading moderate Hypertension. I expected it to be lower but I suppose it has got to settle down.

For any  reader  out there who may be experiencing the wait  for a Stent a rough guide here as my day unfolded may help ease any  fears they may have.

After 3 months from my heart attack and visits to  various consultants at Kent and Canterbury, QEM at Margate and Hernebay and Finally William Harvey at Ashford. Some anxious weeks tracking information when my notes were lost or as they put it ,in transit between all these hospitals. I  had an angiogram procedure. This was done as a day patient. This was a simple procedure involving exploratory surgery to  define what if any or how much damage had been done to the heart. I will explain later exactly how as it is similar to  angio placty procedure. My anxious weeks of displaced notes and some pressure from me and i am sure my cardiology Nurse resulted in receiving a date for admission. That was Thursday  of this week 20 June 13.

My days leading up to this were arranging transport to and from Ashford because you are not allowed to drive for a week. With  the added worry of Mavis having her chemo on the day of my discharge didn’t help. I was unable to take her. But with  all that behind me. All I had to do was to get a good nights rest first. I was unduly extra tired that last evening and sloped of to bed early. Thursday I was awake and up very early I couldn’t sleep. My  friend was collecting me at 7.45. I was allowed a drink but nothing to eat. I was not hungry so It didn’t matter. I  had packed my  overnight bag with all the important bits like my Kindle ,phone, charger. And the mundane dressing gown slippers PJs towels soaps etc. All this was sitting in the hall waiting. I was looking out the window and at 7.35 my friend was outside already. With a  quick kiss goodby to mavis Off  we went. I chatted with dave all beit a bit nervous on our journey . But we arrived at the main entrance. Where he dropped me off. I found my way in and up  the lift ,following the signs I reached CCU, cardiac coronary Unit. I reached the desk. Booked in and was greeted by Denise a very nice nurse. She showed me to my bed left me a gown pulled the curtains and said I will leave you to  put his on please remove everything. On her return she asked me to remove my rings and watch. Then came the inevitable questions. With that all done she said just settle down. I asked her what time I was scheduled for. Some time around mid day  she said.  Next another nurse came in to prep me. Blood pressure , Glucose readings because I am diabetic.  Then came the bit I hate Needles. I just need a blood sample she said. Ok  but not from  my left arm I said as she started to  tap my veins. You wont get any from  it I always have to use my right one . NO its got to be your left one. After ages tapping and stabbing me, pushing needles in loads of different spots she managed to get blood. Next came the discussion with  the sister we have to fit a cannulae but this gentleman has very thin veins and it’s almost impossible to find them. So they bought in the ” Expert” they said, She tried but wasnt successful either ,after more stabbings they gave up. Ok it was decided to put it in my hand. Then the conversation went on to NO  if we put it in the hand as soon as he gets to theatre they will  not use it and will insist in it in the upper arm. Ok phone theatre and ask them. back came the reply leave it. So I  settled back prepared for wait.  All this was completed by 9.20 am.

Then the bed next to me was being filled. I could hear all the same  as that I had just been through.

A few mins later in came 2 nurses to wheel him into theatre. But he is not ready the nurse said. A bit of a panic. Mr Nye is all prepped she said take him. Oh  we will have to  ask theatre first. back came the Ok . So a very nice Doctor came and discussed what was going to happen next ,and To sign the consent form. Now I am being wheeled in and out of doors round corridors and into a waiting area. More questions.

At last on the move again. Now I am parked outside theatre. They ask me to get off the bed and walk me a few steps into theatre. Loads of nurses in there. I can see the table in front of me its the same as the one used for the angio gram. They help me up the step and onto the table. But I can’t lay flat I asked for support for my neck and head. Try and lay flat a nurse said. I said sorry I cant I have spinal  problems and I need support under my head. A bit of panic while someone went and got what I think was a rolled up towel. But it worked. Now a nurse is asking where is my cannulae  a Doctor is the other side talking to me  while my left arm is pulled out on one side someone is putting a needle in my hand  its the cannulae. We are going to  put some dye in. It may feel a warm flush  ok I mumbled. Now a nurse is washing my right arm. I am thinking any minute now they are going to stab my groin like the angiogram. But the doctor said I am going to do the procedure through you wrist. it’s a better recovery rate than in the groin. So they give it a pain relief stab so I have my left arm being flushed with dye my right arm is now numb and stretched out on a board at right angles. The big screen is wheeled into place on my left and the surgeon is behind a plastic screen on my right and over my head is the revolving Xray camera. pretty soon  he said you may feel some pressure as I insert the wire. Ok.  Just a bit I felt it pushing but no pain. The camera swings all over me left  right central  its constantly on the move. I  watch  some of it on the screen as he pushes the wire in  then a thin tube then the balloon.

The procedure involves this balloon being inflated several times to stretch the artery . I can hear him calling numbers. OK  I want 12  the nurse repeats 12 . Ok Hold .    Ok  release . she repeats released. give me 14  , same again, give me 16 , same again. this time I feel pressure in my chest. release he said ,released she said, pressure gone.

I want 18 he said she said 18 ,  pressure in my chest again my ears feel funny, release He said ,I thought great. But  then he said I want 20 , she repeats 20 . Now the pressure in my chest is just like the start of the heart attack I had. I can feel this pressure, my jaw is aching my  vision is darkening I am beginning to feel dizzy I feel lousy. Oh Shit I was thinking they warned me about this. It flashed through my mind am I going to be the 1 in a 100 that has a heart attack on the table. Then I heard the words Realease and she repeated released. the pain all stopped I am nervous now waiting for him to say give me 22. But he didn’t.

I vaguely remember him asking for the stent. I am not sure what was going on now I was trying to see it on the screen as I turned he said please keep still for me.. After that I seemed to drift off because I heard him  talking quietly . The screen over my head was removed nurses were disconnecting things from both my arms. Thats it  all done he said.  We have fixed your blocked right artery. Its fine now ,did you watch it on the screen he asked . Would you like to see what I have done. Yes please I said. So he replayed some scenes to show me the artery before.. It looked like a string of sausages bulges and skinny sections. The bits I thought were bulges he pointed out were the actual  size of the artery the skinny bits were the blockages. There  were 4 in all. the rest of the footage showed bits of the balloon expanding the blocked bits. And the last bit he said that’s how it looks now. It was like a thick black hose pipe. he said the blockages have been replaced with a stent. he pointed out the are of the stent. he said the  original  stent he planned was too small  so he has inserted an extra extended one he pointed out that it now goes right round the bend. So I should have no more trouble with it. I thanked him and asked what about the other one. he said it has only moderate blockage and they were not going to do anything with it at this stage

They helped me off the table and onto my bed where I am wheeled back to  the ward. Do you know I cant remember that journey back. I was told I cant get out of bed for 6 hours.

I was connected to the monitors again with loads of wires and a BP  arm band and told to relax.

Next I was monitored every 15 mins through  the next 6 hours. I was aware I had a band tightly round my wrist and the nurse put a syringe to it and did something. Whats that you’re doing I asked. She said you have a pressurised wrist band it’s over the site of insertion and its to put pressure on it to stop it bleeding ,what I have just done is to release some pressure and I will do this periodically over the next 6 hours untill we know you have stopped bleeding.

But during  this period  they constantly checked with concern my high blood pressure at one stage it reached 192 over 88 . Far to high they said. we will watch this. The machine was set to  activate at 15 min intervals it did come down a bit but  right up to my discharge next day it was still high so I now have more pills to take. I am grateful that  the procedure was done through the wrist and not the groin ,because I had black blue and green bruising for a couple of weeks after the angiogram. But today  a slight  bruise on my wrist. is all I can see.

I hope I havent bored you with  this account but someone may find it helpful if they going to have a stent fitted. As I mentioned at the stat the procedure is the same for a angiogram except you don’t have the balloon or the stent parts. the rest is the same.


Its late afternoon now i am feeling better . My head is clearer  and I have my colour back. i am still a bit wobbly which I didnt expect but apart from that OK. If this is how its going to be then bring it on. Dave my neighbour  came round to  see how I am. He said take it easy for a week. I said No thts ok I am taking mavis  for her blood count check on Wednesday. No your not he said Ill do that and when is her next chemo. On Friday Mave said. Ok Ill take you  to that as wel . That way you will have had a good weeks rest and you will  be getting better all the time. Dont rush it he said. A real  neighbour he is. I am getting hungry so thats a good sign  Ive just done a blood pressure check Wow! its certainly dropped  from yesterday. 114/59-45 much better than 161/77 -55 pulse rate is still low but getting there. cant have it all at once. I think Ive written enough for today.

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