Ive been  checking up on how long Ive had this shingles now. Its 3 months on friday. I must admit  it has improved. Some days its pretty good with little or no pain. Others its there all day and night. It just suddenly  takes me by surprise and stabs me and makes me wince. Most of the time I still can’t stand  clothes touching it. But after  all this time I think I have come to terms with it. Doctor said that  shingles in the over 60`s has a 50% chance of being permanent. So I recon now I am in that 50%.  We popped to BnQ today. Mavis wants to swap our plastic window blinds for wooden ones. So  to finish off the last 3 windows Thats what  we got. You know what its like in there. Is there anything else we want  while were here. Oh yes 2 small garden stakes to support the climbing plants. They did get a battering in recent winds. Oh yes  a set of rechargeable batteries. and an ordinary  one. Oh and a couple of rolls of  stik-O-fix. that’s a new word for what we always called fablon or stick on vinyl . Ah yes lastly I spied 3 small solar light animals to  stand in front of her budah. Ok Ok Ok that’s enough. When we get to  the till. Gob smacked  £138.86. I remember the days when it took a month to earn that before tax and with overtime. But today its  just loose change. I have staked up the 2 plant climbers. Mavis put the vinyl rolls under the 3 blinds ,so one of them is as flat as a pancake. I can’t use it  untill it regains its shape. Tomorrow its going to be a “Blinding Day ” (get it )

Another great day tomorrow.