Yesterday was a special day as far as dates go. 11th may was my dads birthday.

Yesterday 11 May 60 years ago I started my Apprenticeship .

Yesterday 11 May 55 years ago I was beginning my National Service.

Yesterday 11 May  was just 3 weeks short of 55 Years ago since I first Met Mavis.

Yesterday 11 May  was just 3 weeks short of 53 years ago since we got married.

I said it was special.

I  decided to take louis out early as it is bright and sunny. After my fiasco  at the Doctors on Friday. I got to thinking in bed . Maybe they are right in not pursuing this with a stent. What if I don’t need it. Is this all in my head. Am I getting better now. Do I walk like an old man of 90 because I am afraid to test myself. What if when I take louis out I try to walk at my old pace. So with a confident step, off we went. Through our short road onto the lane to start the walk. Yes I was thinking I can do this. Louis stops for a pee. Then on we go again.

Cyclists ride past Good Morning   they shouted. Good morning I shouted across. I am feeling Ok. But very soon I realised I had slowed down. Now I just wanted louis to  do his business.

After we turned round to go back my confident walk was down to  a slow step again.  I could feel that pressure like bad indigestion again. But long before I reached our entrance I was in trouble.

Short of breath pressure in my chest Oh god please don’t  have another attack I was thinking. By the time I turned the corner to  see my front door I was done in,  climbing my steps I was panting, out of breath my chest was pounding. I  dumped my coat in the porch and staggered in and sat down. Trembling like jelly again.

10 mins rest and an aspirin I am back to my useless self again.

Conclusion! It’s not in my head. I need that frigging stent.

maves blog



Todays Puzzle