It was Marsden day again. But  a later appointment so at least we had a lie in. M25 was good. Bloods were taken and a short  5 mins with Doctor. All OK  so you are free to go.  Basicly a waste of time. But as Mavis said I owe it to them to go.

WE were planning to go away in the van  this afternoon. But  I was having severe problems staying awake  driving home. I said I need to shut my eyes . Well I did and it lasted an hour.  So we put it off  untill tomorrow. We can leave early . It will be strange as we havent been camping  for so long now I cant remember.

All the hospital staff  remarked just how well Mavis looked. She is doing well. It was nice to see old faces again we do miss them. And Carol  has returned after her tripple bi pass.

Can I just say I am sorry to all my puzzlers for no puzzles this week. As you  gathered I have been so busy  this week. But  back on track for next week.