IMG_0113I overlaid today. louis woke me at 9.15. He jumped on the bed pulled the  covers off my face  licked me , when I woke up he was happy he jumped  off and disappeared. Thanks louis. Gosh I was tired. After breakfast I took him for his walk.

Then after lunch we took him  round  to the park. I don’t know why but  I was worn out. I did the walk and had no pains but  I had no energy either. Perhaps I am expecting too much too soon. Although I am much better than before the stent. Never satisfied are we.

I’ve been catching up on Ellen ET posts in Facebook I don’t know where she gets it from but I find them fantastic. keep it up.

Tomorrow its back to hospital for maves chemo. So as we didn’t get the phone call  last night all must be well in the bloods department.

maves blog

puzzle page