No post yesterday because we were at  the houses of parliament. It was mavis  speaking on Asbestos. But i am sure you all know this. The reason  no post yesterday is simple.  The plan was the meeting  would finish at 4pm we are only 2 stops on the Underground away from our  train home and we could be in doors around 5.30pm.

But  as they say the best laid plans of mice and men …..

The meeting ran over time. And we didn’t allow for the after meeting  goodbyes, and hellos to those that arrived after the meeting began.By the time we were forced to leave it was so close to 5 pm. It’s now the height of rush hour. We made our way across the road to  Westminster Station. The signage was not  totally clear but  we headed for the right line and got  down to the platform. It was crowded , a train pulled in mave said this is it so we  boarded . We tried to read the line board but couldn’t see our  station . mavis asked a man who  said no it  going in the opposite direction. panic we need to get off and go back, but  then mave heard it is going to Waterloo. is that ok she asked me. Well  yes we can get our train from there, so we carried on to Waterloo. On  exiting it was miles of  passageways to reach the main line station. mavis saw the board ,it said Ramsgate. So we dashed off and through the barrier ,boarded the train with about  a minute to spare. The train was packed mavis found a seat but i had to stand. i thought it may empty out at London bridge. But  wow! it sped through london bridge. The display in the carriage said the nest  stop is sevenoaks……….

Shock. We are on the wrong train again. This is going miles out of our way. But we are stuck now. The collector said it best we stay on  to Ramsgate and then come back down the other route. But  it isn’t getting to Ramsgate untill  8.30 pm then what. We may have to wait half an hour for a train home and the journey could still take at leat 40 mins from there. so now we are not going to get home untill around 9.30pm. we sat there and counted the stations off 16,,, 15,,,14… Our next big stop was Ashford International. The guard advised that if we got off here and got the next train to Ramsgate it would arrive half an hour before this one because it went direct. So we got off and boarded the next one. Once underway on our new train the notice board display said it went  via Canterbury. Mavis said let’s get off at Canterbury and get a taxi from there to home.

So arriving  at Canterbury  we left the train and got a taxi back to our car in The Station. We arrived home after 7.30. Shattered and hungry. Louis needed a walk So I took him  while mavis got dinner. With all this out the way it was pushing 9 pm I was shattered . I am going to bed luv I said and sloped off . I don’t remember much  untill about 8.30 this morning.

I’ve spent most of the day sorting  photos and video for mavis`s blog ,walking louis and nodding on the settee.i had to take louis for his haircut. he was booked in for tomorrow but a phone call earlier  said there was a slot today. so that all done now. i keep thinking that I am fine and fit now doing simple things but I soon realise that I am not out of the woods yet and i get surprised when  I  do like dashing to the trains yesterday get that  stabbing pain in the chest. It pulls me up  and I think  god not another one. So  slowing up and resting  is the order. I find it’s not always physical  either stress seems to still pay a part. All in all  for me yesterday was a hell of a day. I know mavis is shattered but she don’t show it. Linda was taking  photos yesterday  of us and poor soul she kept saying come on smile ray. But  the toll was mounting. I am sure she thought I was a miserable old sod. Sorry Linda. I  realise today I am just not quite ready for all  this excitement.
