After a very tiring day yesterday both emotional and physical. The good results from the Doctors and Nurse talks didn’t really sink in. When you are all psyched up  for news ,when you get it ,it doesn’t always sink in. But now I’ve slept on it and we have both digested it,I feel a lot happier with  this trial than I did with  her attempts  to get on the previous one. Even though this is a randomized trial. This one is backed up with traditional chemo. So  if one doesn’t  succeed then hopefully  the other one will. My  only fears are as long as it’s what Mavis  wants to do and it helps what more can I do. I support her decisions 100%. She is more positive today ,we know there is no cure but anything that buys us time is good to me.  Its early  and we are expecting a call to tell us when  the trial begins.

had a surprise earlier this morning. Both mavis`s and my computer refused to search. I tried my ipad  and that to wouldnt search. All the lights were on on the router modem. Mave panic spread to me also. Oh dera  have we got  a virus. While mavis walked away to get a coffee. I turned everything off and restared. The router  took ages to  reboot. First one blue light flickered into life but  not the others. I waited  then one more light flickered but it was red, not looking good after  what seemed ages another  light  showed blue followed by another blue but the red one took ages to go blue. Then whalla! we are back on line. Its ok I shouted to mave its all back. The look on her face was a picture. She cant be cut off from  her mates for a minute. Oh well alls well that ends well.

Its only a few hours now before I pick up the new car. I cant say I am excited. I hear now Tesco is in trouble. Its their silly  buy one get 3 policy I recon. They moan that people arnt buyin. Ifthey  cutthe price by  2  3rds and you only bought what you  wanted one instead of 3. You may have cash left to buy  the other things. To me its a bit short sited. Example this week cheese Buy 1 at £1.75 or 3 for £4. it would make sense to pay  £1.75 for cheese and leave the ballance for say eggs.

Well  weve done the business now. Around 12 noon we went round to the garage. We were greeted with a friendly smile. We joked about  both of us  having cleaned the cars and now  covered in birds mess. My fears about  the  missiong service sheets didnt arise. he was more concerned about logbook and mot. We went for a run of about  35 miles  to try it out and ,then called in Tesco  for petrol it was almost empty. £40  to fill it up. I like that. Its not as nippy as my  Suzuki which was a 16 valve job. And its a bit  light o steering. But on the whole its comfortable and Mavis has a bit more seat room. I said thats fine  then no need to go on a diet is there. That didnt go down to well. Its Next stop was a wash and polish at  Tescos. The lads did a nice job. When we walked back it looked gleaming.

Now for the good news. The Hospital rang to say all the paperwork and test results are sorted. They  now have to compile a schedule of  dates and times for the course. She asked are you happy to  continue asap. Mavis said yes. So  she will get back to us later with the shedule. As mavis has a flu jab booked for the 17th the hospital said try and bring it  forward. So  Our health centre have brought it forward now to  Saturday.

So  its all gradually falling into place. Ive had 2 more insurance for the home on the phone today well 3 actally but I hung up on the 3rd I got pissed of  press 1 press 2 press 3  anow listen to music. But  one  quote was saving me nearly £60 so I recon I will go for that one.