Well the cardiology Nurse Visited today. Very  impressed. It was not a quick in and out visit she was very thorough. Checked all my pills 14 of them a day. She has stopped several of them as Not needed. and increased one  that will help. She has also given me a gtn spray to control the symptoms. I said have you got any good news about my lost notes. She said they were not lost. It is a case of connecting with 3 hospitals  ,your admittance ,your angiogram and your stent. They each have to liaise. I said am I getting a stent. She said yes you have been recommended. But  at the moment you are in the system and within the recommended timeframe. So I can just sit back and wait.

She explained how to use the spray and it sounds a bit frightening. I will get it today when we go out.

Mavis has to go  for her pre chemo bloods today.


Back home now 5 pm been a long day in the hospital 5 hours there and back. Such a sweet nurse . So many questions to fill out. But we are ready for  the next round on Friday.The nurse said she is going to get Mavis book .

I picked up my  Spray from the chemist so  lets see how that works. I also picked up my glucose tablets that I  always carry with me. In the chemist here they are 90 pence a pack in Tesco 62 pence what a difference a third cheaper. Sorry Mr Chemist you just lost out on a customer. I didnt get my new windscreen wipers  because on the way home I had a small attack and just wanted to get home. Maybe an excuse to go out tomorrow.

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