I got a rude awakening  this morning. We had to be up early for hospital appointment. Mavis was up  first. She thought she would wake me up with a cup of tea bless her. But I was not prepared for what happened . She spilt  scalding hot tea all over my head. Gosh that woke me up not funny. As I  sat bolt upright and swung my legs out of the bed she was trying to  comfort me and she put her freezing cold hands on my  thighs. So you could say I got the hot and cold shock treatment. It’s the quickest  time I’ve been out of bed in a long time.

It was a long drag at the hospital again. mavis was going in and out every 40 mins from 8 am up to 12;30.

On the way home we stopped off  for a bite to eat. Because Mavis has the Breathing  exercises nurse coming at 5pm so she doesn’t want to be cooking  when she calls.

Look what we spotted  in the car park. Now that’s what you call a bike;IMG_0107A Triumph Bonneville 750cc. EH!! those were the days. Our biggest bike was a Matchless 500 Twin.


The breathing Nurse has just left after an hours lessons. mavis said it was worthwhile. She learnt a lot she has 2 more sessions to go.

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