Its 6 am. I am NEVER up this early normally. But its off on the high-speed train to St Pancras. mavis persuaded me to  get some crocs. i ve been  wearing them for a couple of months ,but  the insides are so rough. This past week I have got  sore feet.  Yesterday it was so sore I  had a job walking.  This morning its real sore and Ive got to walk round London.


It’s now 7.15 pm we have just got back from a lovely day  at the 6th Meothelioma UK Conference at the Novoltel. The journey on the High Speed train was uneventful. We arrived at  10 to 10 . As we signed in. They didn’t have Mavis on the List. But No problem she is so well-known  we got a table. So  with a quick wave and a hello to  lots of faces we grabbed a coffee and sat down. I met several people today with whom I meet on FB or who read my blog. It’s great to put a face to  all these lovely people. We stopped for lunch and for mavis the Coo De grace was meeting Dr Szlosarek again.

. I  met him and as he passed by I said Oh hello Peter  ah hello he said Hows Mavis doing  has she got sorted  with further treatment. He was so  concerned. I said she will be over the moon when she sees you. When they met it was like meeting real old friends. He is such a smashing guy.

But all good things must end so around half past 4 it was time to leave. It’s only a short walk to  the station so  we caught the 1655 train home. A quick change at Faversham and soon home to louis. Parked beside me in the car park and pulling out  alongside of us  was a Sirion. Oh Look I  said its a Sirion. Fancy that. Untill we found our new car I’ve never heard of it. Now parked  here was another one. I think it was the earlier model as it was a 51 reg but I don’t think  it’s changed a lot. It was getting dark so  couldn’t really see a lot.

My cover note was on the mat so that will go  round to the garage tomorrow. He can now tax it for me.

Im off for a coffee now. Its been a long day. I did say  todays post might be short.