Not the normal thing I do. But today was different. I had to  drop  my cover note into the Garage. But its Sunday and it was closed. No problem  I slid it under the door. But  On the day we  found  the car I filled up with petrol So I have a full tank. I said to Mave let’s have a run out I need to use some of this fuel. I don’t really want to leave a full tank when I hand it over  on Wednesday. So  after posting  my insurance we  Headed on up the coast. But  we hadn’t gone far when we were at the end of a traffic jam all heading coastbound. Mavis said  slow up and on the roundabout turn right to get out of this lot. Where  does it go. I don’t know but you wanted a run out so go for it. Well  it went through some places we had never been before. We  parked up and found Minster Abbey and Nicholas at Wade, Each quaint little places. Eventually we  were back on the  New Road  which looks like it’s just opened. Hence the traffic jam. But this time it’s all gong the other way. Still  crawling and bumper to bumper. We did the right thing. So we headed back home  in no particular hurry. We did a round trip of about 80 miles and the petrol gauge had moved a bit in the right direction .But I said for the sake of a few quids worth of juice forget it,they are welcome to it.

So once more back home. Catching up on e/ms.

I’ve been re vamping  my mesowarriors web site. After the meso uk conference yesterday I realised it needed updating. I have made a few changes .


Just trying to do my bit. If you have any  comments to help me improve it,please let me know.