DSC00179A bit of a lazy day today. As usual  took louis for his  morning trot . Not sunny but  warmish.  Ive been hunting through old CDs for  some photos. But I cant find them. Another  run out to the park after lunch  with louis again. I watched a bit of Telly. But at least  I stayed awake all day. Ive been setting  up maves laptop for when  we go  camping.  So  at least she wont need to  rely on her phone.

Ive managed a puzzle today and I have one ready for tomorrow. But I admit  pictures are getting a bit thin on the ground. If anyone who does them has any sugestions or a theme then  let me know.

I am itching to do another painting  and am struggling  with a subject.

I took  a picture of  one of the patches of flowers ,they looked nice in the late afternoon sun today.