It is so windy today. A walk with louis  this morning was a nightmare. I lost my hat. but louis chased it and stood on it. What a good boy. Its rained  a lot in the night.

Ive done a couple more Jigsaw puzzles and put  them on my page. Ive re done the web page to show the pictures of each puzzle.

Only 2 more days and we are off to see the stage show of les miserables. We have seen the film which was brilliant. The DVD  of it came yesterday but not played it yet. I got the CD of it for my birthday. What makes you think I like it?.

After lunch mavis decided a Trip to the Range was in order. On the way  we dropped off  to give louis a run in the fields. I didnt  buy anything  mave picked up  some bits. But on the way home it poured down. Funny day. This morning  there was a lot of  heavy branches laying in the lane after the windy night.

My Puzzzle Page

maves blog

