Well my overnight bag is all packed. I am ready for the off early in the morning. Dave  my neighbour is calling at 7.45.

A bit nervous but hey nothing ventured nothing gained they do say.

We had an early start today to get to the hospital for mavis We didn’t have a time to arrive so we chanced it and got there at  9 am. take a seat  we will try to fit you in as your  appointment is not  untill  11.30. but  at 9.15 she was called in. we were out ,blood checks done by 9.30 back home by 10.30 so we did well.

Now we wait for a call to say yes or no to chemo on friday.


No call  so we assume that’s good news and the chemo is on for friday.

mavis is giving Louis a bath, he is so hot ,it will cool him down..

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