At 8:20 the new sofa bed arrived. Gosh  it  looked heavy. I opened the door to see 2 men struggling  up the path. Oh I am sorry I said but the old one is still here,it’s not been collected yet. No problems they said. Would you like us to take it out for you. Well that would be good of you. No problems. in no time at all  old one was outside.

They looked at the doorway and muttered something about Hm! looks a bit tight. I said the shop said I need 27 inches and I measure  and its 27 and a half. Ok  so  they lifted  and guided and wow! it was tight but they did it . they  tore off all the poly sheeting and showed us how the bed part worked. One quick  simple lift  up and a gentle pull outward and it was done. Even quicker closing it. All in and done in less than 10 mins.

Next an early  trip to hospital for mavis`s blood check. Our neighbour Dave ran us  in. Whilst Mavis was in  being sorted. Dave and I walked to the restaurant and had a coffee and a natter. Soon mavis walked back in. so  off home.  A bit of lunch and a wait for the hospice charity to  collect the old 2 piece suite. At  2 pm they  arrived.  Is that the one he asked. Yes . He quickly  checked the labels for the fire retardant one. Then he sat in it without the cushions . Checking  the springs  he pulled tugged and pushed it, up ended it checked underneath checked the castors. Then put all the cushions on and sat in it again. I thought blimey you would think I was charging them for it instead of donating it. Then his mate came  to join him. Are we taking  it he asked. yes ,seems Ok he said. So off it went into their van. Thanks for that he said and off they went.

So at least it will do someone a turn and mavis said she is happy that its gone to a good cause. I said yes with  best part of £300.00 worth of 3 Plumbs sets of  extra covers.

Louis is a bit nervous getting on the new one but  I recon that will pass.


I’ve spent a while testing the new sofa , I think I can give it 10/10

Mavis approves she keeps grinning at me . 

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