!/?cid=d875a91cc9e30572&sc=photos&nl=1&uc=57&id=D875A91CC9E30572%211824The pics of mavis and Linda up the Amazon.

I seem to have problems uploading the short video to utube. I left  it uploading  when I went to bed last night. When I checked it this morning it had only uploaded 22%. So i cancelled and started it again. with in mins it had jumped to  40% .but  now after 7 more hours it’s only reached 46% I give up. So sorry the video may have to wait a bit longer.

Apart from that what a lousy day today. Mavis wanted to  stay on at the rally  at the weekend. But the forecast was not good. She kept saying what shall we do? should we go home or go on?. Now there’s a question. I  know you can’t always believe the weather men.. But if I said go home and the sun came out I would be in trouble. If I said go on and it got worse she would get cold again and that’s not good, I would be in trouble. So  as usual  What ever you want my love I say. After much shall we or shan’t we ,she decided  that home would be better. But  as we drove the 150 odd miles home the sun shone the clouds were blue and white and fluffy. She made several comments that maybe we should have stayed. But the wind was buffeting the van. And last evening it  rained hard. When we reluctantly took louis out  this morning it was raining and blowing a gale. Really  trying to knock you off your feet. She said when we got back inside. I am really glad we came home aren’t you. Yes I said with the central heating on and all warm and cosy again yes we did the right thing. I am right sometimes.

She really did get cold sitting under the awning  in the rain,it was fun and we had a good laugh, but  she is not  normal  anymore and will not  take that into account. It always worries me. But as they say you can’t keep a good man ( woman ) down.

I will continue with the video,in the mean time the above link is photos. Most are with much thanks to Glen who let me download them from his camera to my ipad. Thereby hangs another tale. How to get them off that and onto  computer. Good old Google .I found the answer there. So I will not have that problem again. With each new piece of  new technology comes its new procedures. At my age now things don’t come so quickly anymore.