Today has been a special day as Joanne Tatum and Maureen Cooper had arranged an event for the Mavis Nye Foundation at  The Hertford Green Hall.

We travelled early so the traffic was so good and we arrived early Maureen and Jo welcomed us.

The event was in aid of Bruce Coopers 1st anniversary of his passing.

It doesn’t seem that long ago when i got this message:

Dear Mavis, My lovely Dad, Bruce Cooper, passed away today at home surrounded by family and friends. He never gave up hope that he would beat this awful disease and fought to the end. He is now pain free. Dad was a loving and caring husband to my Mum, Maureen, an incredible Dad to George and I and the best and most loving Grandad ever to Meg, Tom, Amelie, Liliana and Sophia. He will be forever in our hearts but missed so very much. Night God Bless Dad xxx

They immediately thought of the Foundation and raised donations at the funeral of this special man  and I got this message We can now confirm that £4218.36 was raised in my Dad’s memory for The Mavis Nye Foundation Thank you all so much!!!

Jo and Maureen then came to the House of Commons when I had to attend a meeting they are both always behind me spurring me on in my journey

I have enrolled them onto the Board of Trustees and so now I have 3 Mesowaariors on board. I had to make sure the Foundation went on in the right hands when Im not here to carry on and Joanne’s lovely family I just know are the right ones.

So that is the story behind today.

I think the photos say it all except guess what The message tonight was —

Absolutely thrilled to tell you that we raised £1300.00 today in Dad’s memory ❤️❤️❤️.

Thank you both so much for coming to join us today xxx

What an amazing sum and just in time for we have the closing date looming for the applications for our research grants.

The first one we issue I have decided will be in Bruce’s name.

The Mavis Nye Foundation Grant  Dedicated in memory of Bruce Cooper

I just know Joanne and her Mum will be at the presentation night.