I had an email from Brian Wallis Meso Uk Ambassador –Dear Mavis and Ray our next big event is the AMD _Action Mesothelioma  Day- connected, MUK MNS visit to Westminster and House of Lords which I have organised for Mon. 24 June. This includes a tour of the parliamentary estate in the morning and meetings, lobbying and tea in the Lords in the a’noon. If you both feel able to come and join us – you will be most welcome.

I jumped at meeting up with Brian again but just didnt know what the day would consist of–boy were we in for a treat.

We had to get up at 4.30am to get a train to London paying a terrieble price of £120 as it was rush hour.

Got to London and the tube wasnt running from Victoria due to a fire alarm going off so we hailed a taxi. Amazing that it only cost £6.00 to Westminster.

We gathered all together as we everyone arrived and we then went through security.

We was treated to a wonderful tour of the H/C










Such a very knowledgeable tour guide showed us round.

We have been around this building so many times through our journey of Asbestos but we have never gone around with a person that knew so much.



















We then had a welcome break for a coffee and a rest.

While Liz and the Mesothelioma UK Nurses went to their meeting -A CNS Forum which Baroness Dyleth Morgan had arranged – we went off then to the Jewel Tower which I didn’t know existed

The Jewel Tower is a precious survival from the medieval Palace of Westminster. It was built in the 1360s as a secure store for royal treasure within the private palace of Edward III. Later it became the records office of the House of Lords, surviving the fire which in 1834 destroyed much of the historic palace. Later still, it served as a testing facility, determining the value of weights and measures for Britain and its empire. From the 1950s demolition of nearby buildings, landscaping works and archaeological investigations have brought to light important features of the tower’s setting.

A reconstruction drawing showing the Palace of Westminster in the late 15th century. The Jewel Tower is at the corner of the palace garden
A reconstruction drawing showing the Palace of Westminster in the late 15th century. The Jewel Tower is in the centre foreground, at the corner of the palace garden© Historic England (Illustration by Terry Ball and Richard Lea)
We climbed up a spiral stair case that I lost all my puff and couldn’t go up the second set
























We then went back to the House of Lords where we sat in on a debate and didn’t understand a word as it was all about amendments to this and that, but it was interesting to see the Lords.

We crept out and then went to tea with the nurses and Baroness Morgan.































The time had run away with us by then and we had to rush off to catch the train home.

The Underground was packed and we had to push our way into the train to get a space. and was so pleased to get on our train to home and to have a seat.

We were shattered but happy bunnies as we made our hot Chocolate and got into bed.

It has been storming all night though and lightening flashing but hey! ho! who cares its been a great day.