It has been just that a National Day of so much going on all through the UK.

Far more than last year.

We had a Memory tree on face book and we had so many names it was so nice. I even remembered to put my own father on this year.

I had joined up with LASAG and we travelled to Canterbury to our Meeting Hall in Thanet Without (I never know without what)

So many people turned up we were amazed but it was great so many wanted to take part in the day.

Lots of cakes had been baked for the day and lots of prizes for the raffle. Books and plants all lined up and on show.

Speeches were made by Ali, me and Merika.

The sun shone well for us and it was lovely to chat with everyone.

Next  week is the big event at Rochester Cathedral then to the party at the Dockyard –see you there .

Mavis and Ray Nye are campaigners who use social media and advocacy to promote awareness of the asbestos-related cancer Mesothelioma. They are the first married couple to receive honorary degrees together from the University of Kent. They will receive their honorary Doctor of the University degrees at a ceremony at Rochester Cathedral on 9 July, starting at 10.30