Happy New as I go into my 10th year of Mesothelioma. Yes it will be 10 years since Mar 2009 when we came back from Spain and I couldn’t breath.

I started to do a look back on 2018 and trying and pick out the best bits but we have done so much, spoken at so many lovely venues and met so many lovely people. I think its time just to look forward to 2019 and make it the best year yet.

Our Christmas has been just wonderful but what makes it so wonderful is to hear the family say that as well.

We drove up to Luton on Christmas Day as I panicked about traffic Christmas Eve but I bet it was empty.

A lovely Dinner was waiting Fortnum and Mansons Mince pies Christmas Pud and Cake such lovely food.

So all full up we relaxed as we had eaten over several hours and lots of chat.

Boxing day we went on our Christmas walk and can’t believe that two birds were fighting in the water and one drowned the other one.

A woman was talking to us about how cruel nature is but really we humans are the same. After we put the world to rights we came home and more food.

We didn’t go in the Motor Home and their bed is so comfortable hmmm I will be using that bed again that,s for sure.

So that bought us to the best day as we came into London and to Somerset House and Ice Skating.


No! I didn’t go on the Ice – Ray and I went shopping in Fortnum and Masons to buy a treat and then sat in a warm lounge and watched as they went round and round.


Then I treated everyone to a meal in a Lovely Hotel.

Off to the show now and we had tickets for TINA which was just a brilliant, if sad story.

If you go to see it Brace yourself – here comes the next mega-hit jukebox musical. Tina, which opened with a bang in the West End this week and looks set to stay there for some time, is the latest in a long line of big-budget tribute-band bonanzas.

The legendary soul singer’s life story is put on stage in a production directed by Phyllida Lloyd, who took the reigns of ceaseless smash-hit Mamma Mia! back in 1999, written by Katori Hall, who picked up an Olivier for her play The Mountaintop in 2010, and starring American actress Adrienne Warren as Turner.

Warren is pretty unknown in the UK – this is her West End debut – but she’s a big name on Broadway. Alongside her is British actor Kobna Holdbrook-Smith as Turner’s husband Ike, who manipulated and abused Turner during their ill-fated 20-year marriage.

But will Warren hold a candle to the iconic singer? Will Lloyd channel the magic of Turner’s legendary live shows? Is this new jukebox juggernaut simply the best?

A scene from Tina: The Tina Turner Musical. Photo: Manuel Harlan

So that was our Christmas and a lovely one at that.

We came home on a fairly easy traffic road on erm what day ??? we always have lost what day it is over Christmas.

All the washing was done and then Monday was the Royal Marsden day. Life got back to normal early. New Years Eve- We got up at 4.30am but at 5.45 we sailed through on an empty road. we could have left later.

The lady came in from Cornwall she had a bad journey as Aeroplanes messed up then she got off at the wrong station in London to get the train to Sutton so she had to wait for a taxi.

The hospital was empty Ray asked if I had the wrong date in my diary but no I was right and I soon had my bloods taken. The Doctor made me laugh. He has told me I’m the first person in the world that is re-challenging the drug and they are waiting for my next scan to know how to move forward. That is Feb.

Then the Doctor asked Ray how he was getting on and even examined his throat and under the ear. Turns out he knows Lymphoma well from his Australian training and the drug they are going to use works well. So we will know where to talk and ask questions when Ray gets his treatment in Feb.

February is going to be a big month for us.

So we came home but we were so tired and worn out we fell asleep instead of waiting for the New Year

I do remember all the Mesowarriors that haven’t got through the year. Survivors guilt does weigh heavy of course. I miss so many from the groups and have added so many new ones. This must change we must do all we can.

I must have been saved for a reason so I will keep going and work hard at the Foundation and raising money to help Research of Mesothelioma.

If you wish to Donate to help me on my quest I would be very grateful and watch this space 2019 is going to be so exciting. My DNA and Medical case is going to be published by the Royal Marsden Drugs development.

Im involved in the Launch of a new idea for Asbestos Safety watch this Company Web Page as they are also doing a cycle ride to raise money for Mavis Nye Foundation  http://www.beaconinternational.co.uk/ 

Also we are booked for many Conferences and so we have to keep our presentations up todate which is hard as the story changes all the time.

Happy New Year.