It started with a board meeting in London where it was agreed that we could now go ahead and advertise the MNFoundations Research Grants which was exciting as it has taken so long to reach this point. A lot of hard work to raise the donations that would help fund this aim.

After calling in for a coffee we said our goodbyes and got back to Victoria and an easy journey home as both Ray and I were getting over the coughing bug. Seems so many have had it.

Tuesday saw us up at 4.30 walking the dog and off to the Royal Marsden I was praying I would be OK for treatment —but— although the infection had been fought with antibiotics my team decided another weeks rest would be the best idea. I did learn that they will give me the Prembro for another 2 months then if the scan still says stable they will add another drug to help the Pembro. so they have plans which is always great for a Mesowarrior. We need to know there is another treatment waiting.

Well I felt like I had been let out early so we were able to go to LASAG Christmas party in Canterbury which shocked everyone as i had said I couldn’t go.

We had a rock choir which was so lovely and Ali Blake sung a solo for us It was very emotional as we had lost a member that morning and he had left instructions for us all to have a cracker each. Ray and I have left them pride of place on the Fire Place.

I had a great conversation with some of the members especially one man who truly believed he was going to die last year and there he is still enjoying another Christmas.  A lot of hugging goes on at these meet ups xx

Wednesday we had to travel to London again to the Asbestos Working Party and I was really pleased to see Asbestos in Schools was discussed to go before the MPS. Although they couldn’t be there as it was the day the PM was having her Vote of no confidence, which she won –Just.

There was TV Cameras everywhere and people being interviewed.

We had to say our good byes at 5pm as that was the time we were supposed to be at the HSE Women in Health 2019.

We found the Jubilee Line and was in Southwark  in no time and found 240 Blackfriars Road.

Image result for pictures 240 blackfriars

I have been in so many of these tall new buildings the views are always of my beloved London.

Anna Keen talks about why celebrating success is important!

So that was a long day and we headed back to Victoria and was soon on our train home.

Then Yesterday and today we have been working on the Web Page of the Mavis Nye Foundation and Launched the Grants Applications for Research.