The shoe is on the other foot now and I the patient have become the carer. Getting old is hard as we had such plans for our retirement and here we are with the plans in shreds and all we think about is Mesothelioma and Asbestos which has bought Chemo and Immunotherapy to our world Ray had a heart attack as well and had to have a stent. He has been through so much bless him but he has always been a wonderful carer and backed me in what ever mad scheme I have planned.

Now Ray is going through all the worry of lumps in the throat and Groin and the long waits for scans and treatment.

He had an ear ache that was horrendous and I found him stamping his feet with his head bent into his hands on morning.

Then it went and I said maybe crystals are passing through to your lymph glands just like stones pass through the kidney. Then a lump appeared in his groin so I convinced him to go to the GP.

He did and he had a xray where they were not happy so an ultrasound bi-op was arranged.

Well. I had a full diary of speeches and my own appointments at the Marsden so trying to fit even more appointments became a juggling act.

We finally got a date that was Ok and so the day arrived this week and we trotted off to the Kent and Canterbury Hospital on Monday.

I will copy Rays FaceBook comments —

Up early tomorrow. I have my Ultra sound and Bi Ops at 10.30. Waited Long enough.

Well been to get my bi op. Total waste of time. 4 hours of titting about.
I get ushered into a room and told you are in here for special treatment. 15 mins later they take me in. Just lay on the couch . next jelly all over my throat, a guy is ultra sounding my throat about 3 mins . OK all done !
You can get up now. What that’s it. All done, No needles nothing. All Done she repeats ,you will get results in 10 days. I could have had this done at my local just 5 mins in the car up the road. Ive waited weeks for a specialist who can do the bi op. And I didn’t get it. Now depending on the results whether I have to return and get the Bi op. No wonder NHS is in crisis.
Now next a quick snack and a 150 mile round trip for Mavis`s Scan.
No peace for the wicked they say.

After the Hospital Fiasco this morning. I was there for a Scan and a Bi op on my Throat . Well that’s what my letter said.. As I said this morning that I was in and out in less than 5 mins getting an Ultra sound on my throat All done she said . I said what that’s it all done nothing else no needles? She repeated all done. So after wasting nearly 4 hours we came home This afternoon we had to go to the Royal Marsden for Mavis`s scan. I was sitting waiting for Mavis to come out from the scan when my phone rang. Hello This is the Hospital. There was an error with your appointment . Can you come back in the morning. for a biop on your throat and groin. So I was due 2 bi ops that wasnt in my letter. You didn’t get all the procedure. We can do it for you in the morning. Strange I’ve had to wait weeks until a specialist was available. But because they cocked up I can see him in less than 12 hours notice.

So now it’s another 4 hours tomorrow. So watch this space for follow-up tomorrow.

October 30th

Well a better day today ,even though they were still confused. I asked what went wrong yesterday and it was explained to me. It’s the system .
So today I actually had an Ultrasound and biop on my lump. Not to painful ,but at least its done now.
Just wait .

So I had sat there yesterday as Ray went in for the Bi-Op he was a brave soldier its me that is falling to bits as if there is bad news we have to manage two cancers in our house hold.

We have always believed that as Ray has scarring and air pockets in his lung that he has escaped asbestos cancer. We know though that it can present itself in other places so we are very worried.

But life does go on and we will learn from my cancer that you can live with cancer and enjoy life.

His results wont be as quick as mine that’s for sure so the long wait begins.