Off we set in the very early morning for the 5.47 train to London but changing at Faversham we lost time. Arriving at Victoria and finding the Brighton train we lost more time. Changing in Brighton we lost more time for the Falmer train Wow !!! was we glad to get to the American Express Stadium even if we was late and by the time we found the right room where the venue was we were seriously late ad had to walk in after it was well under way.

But we got a cheerful hello and do come in from the speaker Joe Murphy who is Head of Health and Safety, security at Southern Water.

So we soon settled as a check for £137,000 was handed to Air Ambulance. how amazing was that and to a very worth while cause as we need the service on our busy roads in Sussex.

When we had a break for coffee I met up with families faces so we soon settled in chatting and being introduced to new people there.

Back in the conference the next speaker for ATT Adan Christopher was amazing.

His involvement of being a controller and the controlled management and men. But that was the best bit what was great was the showing of a film of an accident that took place where a construction worker worked on a Saturday on a site in London and a very bad accident took place where he drilled through an electrical cable and was seriously burnt.

This was acted out on the film and as we watched three men working one left the screen and walked through the door. It took a while to realise this has happened. He was all in his protective gear

The audience was able to question him on his reasons why he allowed the job to carry on when there were problems with the drawings etc. He went back out the door and walked back on site and the same happened with the other two workers It was just brilliant. This really should be take up by other Companies. It brings accidents to the conference room and people can ask questions and from this so much HSE can be learnt.

These accidents do happen and they must stop. people must talk to each other and all precautions taken.

I wasnt told where the accident was but on googling I have picked up on several Simile accidents this one stands out

Two construction companies have been fined £90,000 after two workers were seriously burned, and one scarred for life after they cut into a live 11,000v electrical cable.

Southwark Crown Court heard the labourer and a bricklayer were working in a House of Lords site at Millbank, London, on 1 July 2013, to lay bricks around a manhole.

One of the men, who was 22 at the time of the incident, hit the cable with a jackhammer when removing old brickwork and suffered serious burns to his arms, legs, hands and face.

He was in hospital for nearly a month receiving treatment to his injuries.

So like asbestos let’s make the world a safer place to work in.

I have learnt so much from this presentation.

So it was lunch time and we had a great time talking to the exhibitors and making new friends swapping cards.

I met a delightful Irishman who is very interested in my Foundation we had a lovely chat as he told me the history of his family. I truly love what we do chatting to so many wonderful people they make my illness so much easier to bear that it has lead to such a great part of my life and enriched my world x

Back in the room we had to get physically moving by a whirl wind of a character. Rachael Kelly a reporter had suffered mental depression.

I found this video of her so it explains it all so much better than I could write it.

Then it was Rays and my turn and as always Ray was so good telling his journey. The audience just love him but like me were so tired by then and we both felt we didn’t give our best.

I followed and you can see what a big setting it was.

But it went down so well and everyone clapped and came up to wish us well and thanked us. I think we did a good job in raising the awareness to asbestos.

We said our goodbyes and our friend Keith Holes drove us to Gatwick were we were better able to get a faster train to Victoria and on a train to Whitstable so we were home sooner than we had worked out. Tired but very happy it had been a very interesting day.