blackpool 4

We have just got back from a great weekend with the Mesowarriors UK.

After a long journey to Blackpool we arrived at mid afternoon finding we the more we travelled North the cooler it got.
Many of the Mesowarriors had arrived and there was lots of hugs and kisses as it is always great to meet up. there were new faces as although we chat every day we are really cyber friends but we do know one another so well as we have been through so much together.

There was Linda, Judith, Angela, Tracey, Dot, Rose, Dorothy who I have known for over 8 years now.
Then the newer Mesowarriors and their friends made up or party.

Linda from Australia arrived on the next train to ours so we were all together and caught up on all the news.
We ate a dinner in the Hotel and the food was really nice.

Ray went up to bed and I stayed down with the girls who one by one went to bed. It left us with Angela and Tracey and a young business man, who on asking what we were doing in Blackpool told us that his Grandfather had died of Mesothelioma and so was very interested in the Charity of mine. I have his card and will chat again to him.
I finally dropped in bed.

Next morning (Saturday) We all met up for breakfast and the walked into Blackpool.
In the Tower Ballroom Ray loved the music and the atmosphere.

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Strictly Come Dancing is filmed here.

A walk around the High Street and then Angie walked back to the Hotel with Ray and I and we had a great sit down and a drink as the rest all gradually came back.
When we met up for the evening all dressed up Angie had the idea for a group photo on the pitch. The Grounds man had given us permission so that s what we did.

We were cheering away and that had us in a great mood for the evening fun.

The evening we all travelled in taxis to Mr Basria’s which is a great Restaurant back near the Tower.

mr b

So many dishes and you can have everyone and I did.

See the whole range here

Mr Basria has taken a photo of our party to use for promotions and I said I would write about the meal he was pleased and gave us a bottle of wine for our raffle.
We came back to the hotel and carried on nattering and Angela and Carolyn carried on and after getting more wine out of the waiters and I added my book we had a raffle where we raised £127 for the Tea ? Party for the Mavis Nye Foundation and then Judith added another donation so we have really got the Tea parties off to a great start.
It was bed time again and Tracey, Angela Ray and myself had a last hot chocolate and then it was off to bed for us.

Next Morning meeting up for Breakfast became a sad affair as gradually one by one we said goodbye. Tears of course flowed with all the cuddle’s and hugs.
Tracey and Ash took Ray and I to the station and we said a finally goodbye. Onto a very packed train to Preston and even fuller train to Euston so we had to stand for awhile but we had a really lovely young man talking to us so the time soon passed and did get a seat when the train emptied a bit only to really fill up again at Birmingham.
But we did get food at St Pancras and a fast train home.

Louis was picked up from the kennels and today so we are all settled back together.
It has been one of the best weekend with the Mesowarriors.

Mavis Nye Foundation Coffee Mornings Around The Uk
Hosted by Angela Anjowanjo Banjo

1 July at 0:00 to 15 July at 0:00

A coffee morning to be hosted by yourself, at a location of your choice on any date in July. Your the host so it is entirely up to yourselves the times etc.
Suggested places – your home (but please only if you are inviting friends only, church halls schools, local community halls etc.
The coffee morning can be as small or as large as you like.
Maybe get in touch with local bakery’s to supply cakes, and or get friends involved to help you bake your own. Tescos are usually very helpful at supplying biscuits etc too. They just need a letter head with details and charity no 1172765
For people who can organise, maybe a small raffle too.
As the host you can share ideas and prices of coffees, cakes, biscuits etc.
Also maybe get in touch with your local paper for a free write up too.
Also you could have a collection tub, you could use a tub or buy one of them metal savings tins. They cost no more than a £1. And maybe print and glue the photo below.

mnf 1 ba again

Also, if you have children at school, maybe ask the Head if she would allow a cake stall for the pupils to buy.
Anything you want to add to the event, please do so.

Any questions please ask away
Thank you all for helping to raise money and awareness to the Mavis Nye Foundation!