National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual Celebration of Life held in hundreds of communities nationwide and around the world.

In 2017, NCSD will be held on Sunday, June 4. On this day, thousands of people will gather to show the world that there is life after a cancer diagnosis – and it’s something to celebrate.
Cancer has touched so many people so many friends and family.

We live our lives scared of the big C. Then one day you are in a Oncologists Room in the hospital looking at the Computer screen being shown that dreaded scan that you don’t really understand what you’re looking at. You hear words Mesothelioma ? Palliative Care all alien words.

We come to terms that we are going to fight this monster, it isn’t going to get you. You become hard and very inward. No one saw me cry I never cried. I wasn’t going to be weak in the path of Mr Nasty.

We Mesowarriors don’t seem to see we are surviving Cancer but if we live longer than the prognosis we were first given with Palliative care, Chemo and Trials, then we truly are surviving. If only 1 day or many months we must enjoy today this day and hug our families. It’s a hard journey but we are strong together as we share the journey together.

Macmillan: Cancer rates show people are living longer
Growing worldwide cancer rates show people are living longer. The World Health Organisation predicts the number of cancer cases will rise from 14 million to 24 million a year by 2035.
Mike Hobday from the Macmillan Cancer Support said that the cause of the rise was “ironically… good news.”

Improving Your Prognosis

The general prognosis for someone diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma is often unfavourable. However, making informed decisions about treatment, lifestyle changes and overall health can improve survival and quality of life.

Prognosis and diagnosis often are confused. A prognosis is the likely outcome of a disease, like a forecast of how the disease will affect a person. A diagnosis is the medical classification of which disease a person has. A pleural mesothelioma prognosis usually is not favourable, but may vary depending on the stage of the cancer.

Diagnosing the cancer in the early stages offers a more hopeful outlook because doctors can still perform curative surgery to remove tumours.
People diagnosed with this type of asbestos-related cancer can improve their chances of survival. Many have lived well past their life expectancy by electing treatment and improving their overall health. That could include lifestyle changes, and following the advice of knowledgeable specialists and experts.

Immunotherapy is now playing a part in our survival and Mesowarriors have all played a huge part in where we are today with treatment.
So many brave people have signed up for trials, Cancer Research says :- More than 25,000 cancer patients joined one of our clinical trials last year. so the medics have learnt so much and can improve year by year and one day they will find that cure.

So we remember all those that have passed and send a prayer to them in heaven and we hug those suffering today and welcome all new comers that are lost we will share our knowledge of the disease.

So lets celebrate our lives on June the 4th we are still here and life is so precious so very precious. It is also a day to draw attention to the ongoing challenges of cancer survivorship in order to promote more resources, research, and survivor-friendly legislation to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life.